International Finance

Tag : digital economy

FinanceMagazineMay - June 2018

Technology revolutionising tax collection in Europe

International Finance
The furore over data protection has reached an all-time high. While the world chastises Silicon Valley for altering reality on the basis of social media behaviour, Europe is increasingly intrigued by the use of technology for tax collection. Nicholas Hallam, CEO of Accordance – a specialist firm in cross-border VAT, talks about how real-time VAT...

IBM and SAP announce plans for major investments

Move will drive clients’ digital transformation April 7, 2016: IBM and SAP SE announced plans across both companies to drive the modernisation of clients’ systems and processes and accelerate them into the digital economy. Specifically, the companies plan to co-innovate solutions that increase customer value through cognitive extensions, enhanced customer and user experiences and industry-specific functionality. The...