International Finance

Category : Economy

Asia’s Cooperation Insufficient

Globalization, trade liberalization, supply chains and production networks. Combined, these factors have transformed Asia over the recent decades. Globalization, trade liberalization, supply chains and production networks. Combined, these factors have transformed Asia over the recent decades. Breaking down barriers to doing business across borders in Asia – economic integration – continues to deepen on its...

Transforming Beyond ‘Factory Asia’ key to keeping Economies Strong

“Huge investments must be made in education and skills training that are appropriate for the needs of the future. For any of this evolution to proceed, the right infrastructure must be in place.” NEW DELHI, INDIA – Developing Asia must invest in skills, technologies, and the private sector to move beyond low-cost manufacturing and ensure...

ADB, IE Singapore to Launch PPP Initiative for Infrastructure Development in ASEAN

The initiative is proposed to be funded at $9 million over three years. This amount is jointly committed by ADB and Singapore government agencies, led by IE Singapore. NEW DELHI, INDIA – The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and International Enterprise (IE) Singapore today signed a Letter of Commitment to launch a public-private partnership (PPP) initiative...

Healthy Bond Market Crucial to Funding Asia’s Infrastructure Needs – ADB Seminar

Asian governments are now more receptive to the concept of public-private partnership, and are lining up rigorously selected and better-designed infrastructure projects for possible financing. Asia needs a robust bond market that can match the financing requirements of huge infrastructure projects in the region and the growing appetite for long-term assets among local pension and...

Myanmar: Cautionary Tales for a Country on the Move

Myanmar’s transition presents unparalleled challenges and possibilities. building new roads and developing infrastructure are just few of its challenges. Can a nation once intentionally isolated from the world be rebuilt from the outside in? After decades of isolation, Myanmar has an extraordinary amount of work to do on every imaginable front. The country needs access...

India’s Economic Recovery Depends On Meaningful Reforms

To achieve inclusive growth, India must shift toward modern services, such as internet connectivity technology, law, accountancy, and other professional business services along with financial reforms. As the slowdown in the world’s major industrial economies drags on, growth in developing Asia is being affected. A serious burden will likely be placed on the region’s major...

Reducing Income Inequality An Urgent Task

Nobel Prize-winning economist Arthur Lewis once argued that development is inevitably inegalitarian, because it does not occur in every part of an economy at the same time. The growing income inequality in [People’s Republic of] China will be in focus at the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative...

The Challenge of A Graying China

The Leaders of China have indicated their intentions to focus on the quality, efficiency and sustainability of growth. This Signals their willingness to reform. The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the National People’s Congress are holding their annual sessions against the backdrop of a once-in-a-decade leadership transition. The new leaders face high expectations. Addressing...

South Asia Regaining Momentum but Facing Risks

South Asia Regaining Momentum but Facing Risks WASHINGTON, D.C. — South Asia is regaining its economic momentum, but the recovery in the world’s region with the largest number of poor people could falter in the absence of a stronger investment climate, said the latest South Asia Economic Focus report of the World Bank. According to the report, the combined...