International Finance

Lithuania donates EUR 26,000 to enhance trading capacity of developing countries

Will help officials to better understand and implement WTO agreements and to take part in trade negotiations

The Government of Lithuania is contributing EUR 26,000 (approximately CHF 30,000) to help developing and least-developed countries participate effectively in global trade. This donation to the WTO’s Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund will finance training workshops for officials in Geneva and elsewhere to help them better understand and implement WTO agreements and to take part in trade negotiations. Since the creation of the fund in 2001, over 2,500 workshops have been organized.

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo said: “I welcome Lithuania’s generosity. This support is vital for our work to help developing and least-developed countries increase their knowledge and understanding of trade issues to help them connect to global markets.”

Lithuania’s Vice-minister H.E. Mr Albinas Zananavičius said: “Lithuania is a strong believer in open, fair and inclusive international trade, which it sees as an important instrument for supporting economic growth and development, building social welfare and enabling companies of every size to find their place within the global trade network. We recognize the value of technical assistance and capacity building in countries acceding to the WTO as well as in those who are already WTO members. As a small and open economy, Lithuania attaches great importance to strengthening and deepening the understanding of multilateral trade rules, which in turn allows all WTO members to benefit from a more stable and predictable trade environment.”

Overall, Lithuania has donated approximately CHF 300,000 to WTO trust funds over the last 10 years.

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