International Finance

SFL: A fast-growing leasing company in Kingdom

SFL has ambitious intentions to raise the bar for its financial solutions by bringing on new products

If you are looking to lease a car, Saudi Fransi for Lease Finance (SFL), a fast-growing leasing company with a presence throughout the Kingdom, could be the best option.

SFL was founded in 2012 to address consumer needs in the automobile industry. SFL is a subsidiary of Banque Saudi Fransi and is under the administration and supervision of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia (SAMA).

Fulfilling Customer Demands
In order to address the demands of its clients—from individuals to institutions to businesses—SFL aims to create services that are both cutting-edge and compliant with Islamic Sharia. The company’s dedicated team of professionals aims for excellent customer satisfaction and attains customer demands.

SFL also has ambitious intentions to raise the bar for its financial solutions by bringing on new products. This will enable it to offer a full finance solution that utilizes the most up-to-date financial technologies to meet the demands of the market.

‘Determined To Continue Setting New Standards’
To offer customers the most effective and efficient service possible, MD&CEO of SFL Mashhour Al-Masudi decided to digitize the automobile sector’s services in 2020.

Mashhor Al-Masudi said, “We are determined to continue setting new standards in the leasing financing market in order to provide comfort to our customers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the highest quality, best types of services and products that they desire, reassuring that all our products are compliant with Islamic law.”

Mashhor Al-Masudi also stated that the comprehensive insurance controls for financing leased vehicles for new individuals aim to regulate the relationship between financing companies and their individual clients with regard to insurance for financially leased vehicles.

Leasing A Car
Leasing a car gives you a vehicle to drive for a fixed number of miles and months. It is similar to renting an apartment instead of buying a house. There is less long-term commitment involved, but you still have to pay for it.

The monthly cost of leasing a car is often lower than buying it with an auto loan. According to a report by Experian’s State of the Automotive Finance Market, drivers save an average of 25% per monthly payment by leasing a car.

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