International Finance

Category : Finance

Europe may be at the mercy of US banks

US banks are about to surpass their European counterparts in the European investment bank market, which could, in the future, be dominated by the big five American banks Dirk Schoenmaker & Charles Goodhart October 25, 2016: The European banking system is downsizing. As a consequence, the big US investment banks are on the rise in...

85% of remortgagors lowering their mortgage rates

Spurred on by record low rates, two thirds of remortagagors plan to remortgage again in the next four years October 24, 2016: In September, 85% of remortgagors were able to lower their mortgage rate, according to LMS, one of the UK’s leading conveyancing panel management specialists. The findings illustrate why it is such a good...

UK millennials uneasy sharing personal info to open bank accounts

Nearly half of respondents expressed security concerns about entering and viewing banking information on a mobile device October 21, 2016: A new research report released found that while millennials depend on their digital devices, they are still uneasy sharing personal information to open bank accounts. The report, UK Millennial Study: Privacy vs. Customer Experience in...

Bank consumers: Focus on service to keep me loyal

Majority of consumers feel providers don’t value them October 21, 2016: A report released by marketing technology company, Wiraya highlights that businesses need to overhaul the way they communicate with customers or risk losing them to rivals. An overwhelming 86% of customers who left their bank, energy, mobile or insurance provider in the last six...

Amicus applies for banking licence

May receive licence in 2017 October 19, 2016: Amicus Finance, a leading specialist financial services group, announced that it has submitted a banking licence application to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).  Subject to authorisation it anticipates receiving its banking licence in 2017. The new banking licence will enable Amicus...

Redwood submits banking licence application

Initially, focus will be on UK SMEs in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire October 17, 2016: Acorn Financial Partners (AFP), a new venture founded and led by Jonathan Rowland, announced that it has submitted a banking licence application to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  On authorisation AFP will be called...

deVere Mortgages partners with Al Rayan Bank

deVere Mortgages partners with Al Rayan Bank ,To offer Sharia compliant home finance to purchase property in the UK October 11, 2016: deVere Mortgages and Al Rayan Bank have entered into a strategic partnership to offer Sharia-compliant mortgage alternatives to the growing number of expats looking to purchase property in the UK. The alliance follows...

The transfer of trust

Paving the path for generational succession October 7, 2016: With almost two decades of experience and expertise, Kuwait-based KAMCO Investment Company’s Wealth Management Team has developed a comprehensive and consistent understanding of client expectations. The team effectively utilise their resources to deliver superior custom-made products and services that help clients reach their investment goals. By...

Allianz, IFC to invest in infrastructure projects

The partnership will focus on emerging markets October 6, 2016: Allianz Group and International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, have signed a partnership under the Managed Co-Lending Portfolio Program (MCPP). Under the agreement, Allianz intends to make an investment of $500 million which will be co-invested alongside IFC debt financing...