International Finance

UAE ranks first globally in mobile broadband subscriptions

According to the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019, the UAE ranks second in mobile cellular telephone subscriptions

The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019 found that the UAE has ranked first globally in mobile broadband subscriptions and mobile network coverage. That said, the UAE ranked second in mobile cellular telephone subscriptions. The World Economic Forum issues the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report every two years. 

Last year, the UAE ranked first globally in the Internet and Telephony Level of Competition compared to rank 104 in 2016, according to the Knowledge Index Report. 

Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director General, told the media, the UAE “achieving the first rank globally in mobile broadband subscriptions and mobile network coverage reflects the efforts made by TRA working teams, and demonstrates the effectiveness of TRA plans by focusing on the ICT infrastructure, adopting modern technologies and using them to drive the development and digital transformation in all fields.”

The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report factors in four main indicators: Enabling Environment, Travel and Tourism Policy, Infrastructure, and Natural and Cultural Resources. 

In his view, the UAE’s global ranking in many international reports is in line with the UAE Vision 2021 and goals of the National Agenda. 

The introduction of 5G and mobile communications is a key focus for the UAE. It will empower the UAE’s digitalisation vision to benefit various economic and social sectors. The UAE has the right infrastructure in place to capitalise on 5G network — and has the world’s highest mobile penetration rates. In fact, Etisalat and Du have been allocated spectrum frequencies for 5G deployment. 

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