International Finance

Tag : economy


Poverty keeps growing in Buenos Aires as Argentina wakes up in default

Major setback for a country already suffering from devaluation of the peso, rampant inflation, slow growth, falling wages and widespread poverty Kamilia Lahrichi August 25, 2014: Standard & Poor’s decision to declare Argentina on “selective default” on July 30th is a disaster for Argentinians. The New York Court of Appeals condemned the South American nation...

WTO rules against Argentina’s protectionism

Says South American country’s import restrictions breach global trade rules Kamilia Lahrichi August 25, 2014: International pressure on Argentina is increasing as the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled on August 22 that the South American country’s import restrictions breach global trade rules. The 170-page ruling sided with the European Union, the United States and Japan...

Portuguese economy surprises with good performance

However, recovery is probably going to remain weak because its biggest hope were exports, but it is hard to see how, with the Eurozone slowing down Contrary to its big Eurozone peers, the Portuguese economy performed well in the second quarter. Real GDP grew by 0.6% quarter-on-quarter, bouncing back from the 0.6% contraction witnessed in...

UK output finally exceeds pre-recession levels

ING believes that BoE will end up tightening monetary policy sooner rather than later July 25, 2014: UK 2Q14 GDP growth has come in at 0.8%QoQ or 3.1% YoY, in line with market expectations. This is the fastest rate of annual GDP growth since 4Q 2007 and means that the UK economy has finally regained...

India’s industrial output in May highest since 2012-end

Independent survey of manufacturing sector indicates that uptrend continued in June with factory output expanding for the eighth successive month, reports Team IFM New Delhi, July 18: India’s industrial output grew to a 19-month high in May, topping analysts’ predictions and goading corporate India to talk of a recovery “on the anvil”, while an independent...

French trade deficit widens in May, growth crawls

Central bank keeps sentiment indicator for manufacturing sector unchanged below long-term average, reports Team IFM Paris, July 14, 2014: The slowdown continues to chase France, with official data showing its trade deficit widening in May compared to the preceding month as imports rebounded, confirming findings of an independent survey that said the world’s fifth largest...

Germany’s trade surplus widens, but exports fall

Euro zone’s largest economy also sees manufacturing turnover fall 1.9 percent in May, reports Team IFM Wiesbaden, July 14: Germany saw both exports and imports falling in May compared to the preceding month, with the turnover of the manufacturing sector too taking a tumble, official data released on Tuesday showed, reflecting a slowdown and endorsing...

Germany’s industrial production plummets in May

Latest official data reflect grim tidings of independent reports that said business conditions were less rosy than painted, reports Team IFM Wiesbaden, July 10, 2014: Germany, the Euro zone’s largest economy, saw its industrial production go down at its quickest clip in two years in May, challenging government claims that the economy was fast on...

FIFA World Cup fails to lift Brazil, shows apex bank data

Monthly budget deficit in May almost touches all-time high while HSBC survey signals further deterioration in factory sector, reports Team IFM Sao Paolo, July 9: Brazil’s dalliance with  fiscal instability continued in May, data released by the country’s central bank on July 1 shows, sinking hopes that the ongoing FIFA World Cup would lift it...