Today the Commission will bring ministers, representatives of EU countries, industry, academia and civil society representatives together to encourage cooperation in artificial intelligence, blockchain, eHealth and innovation....
Healthcare property is one of the types with the greatest potential in the long-term August 29, 2016 Yulia Kozhevnikova Healthcare property is one of the investment property types with the most potential over terms of a decade or more. One of the reasons is the growing number of people who spend more time on their...
To target SME companies and complement national healthcare development goals January 12, 2016: aafaq Islamic Finance, a leading provider of Islamic finance products and services in the UAE, has introduced a new medical equipment financing product specifically tailored for the country’s small & medium enterprise (SME) market. The fully Shari’a-compliant product will be offered to...
Robocoach offers personalised exercise routines for seniors in Singapore Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya November 5, 2015: Ever thought how it would be if a robot becomes your gym trainer? Well, this is how the elderly in Singapore are keeping themselves fit, for they are getting trained by a robot. In its quest to be a Smart Nation...