International Finance

Tag : Lira


Lira crashes to historic low

Inflation, string of terror attacks in Turkey to be blamed IFM Correspondent January 4, 2017: Lira, Turkey’s embattled currency, on Tuesday crashed to a historic low against the US dollar due to higher than expected inflation figures and security worries after the attack on a nightclub in Istanbul on New Year eve. The lira was...

Pound outperforms eight out of ten currencies in 2015

Big gains against Brazilian real, Turkish lira and South African Rand January 4, 2016: The Olympics may still be a few months away, but for savvy holidaymakers there’s never been a better time to visit Brazil than now. The ongoing recession in South America’s largest economy has seen the real fall in value against sterling...

Odeabank: From the 49th place to 13th in 15 years

The total loan book reached Turkish Lira 14.3 billion, total asset size TL 20.3 billion whereas customer deposits reached TL 16.8 billion by the end of the first half of 2014 December 22, 2014: Odeabank made a powerful entry into the sector by obtaining a banking licence for the first time in 15 years in...