International Finance

Tag : Management

July - August 2018MagazineOpinion

Preparing new commercial contracts differently after Brexit

International Finance
That the UK will leave the European Union is undeniable. There is only a very small chance left that the UK will stay. What therefore does this mean for commercial contracts, and how can businesses approach the challenges that may come as a result?...
Wealth Management

Greater interest in savings and investment products

UK private banking and wealth management sector calls for ‘a measured and appropriate regulatory regime’ to ensure London remains a global centre of excellence February 2, 2017: The Private Banking and Wealth Management (PBWM) industry has experienced significant growth in assets in recent years, boosting broader UK economic growth and helping individuals and families plan...

Enforcing debt when trading with Eurozone customers

International Finance Desk
Implications of Brexit and the importance of a carefully designed risk management strategy Sophie Brackenbury September 19, 2016: Our commercial dispute resolution team was recently instructed to advise on the enforcement of a debt owed to a German business (our client) by a UK company, as part of our debt recovery service.  The outcome was...

PCT announces management buyout

PCT Management secures €12million investment to further accelerate growth July 6, 2016: Payment Card Technologies (PCT) announced a management buyout supported by a €12million investment from a European private equity firm.  The transaction provides the company with significant growth development capital and a strong debt free balance sheet for further expansion both in Europe and...
FinanceWealth Management

10 questions to ask when choosing a financial adviser

Not only should an IFA help clients generate, maximise and secure wealth, they should also be considered a trusted financial mentor over the long-term Nigel Green April 5, 2016: It is almost universally acknowledged that the most effective way for individuals to achieve their long-term financial goals is to seek the help of an independent...
FinanceWealth Management

Pioneer of mutual fund industry in Indonesia

A feature on Danareksa Investment Management March 14, 2016: Danareksa Investment Management (DIM), winner of the IFM award for Most Innovative Asset Management Company Indonesia 2015, is the first asset management company established in Indonesia and has become one of the most respected fund managers in the country. DIM’s business was essentially founded in 1976...