International Finance

Category : Fintech

Faster Payments sets new record in end of Tax Year rush

29,600 payments processed every minute overnight on Tuesday 2nd April in The United Kingdom. Faster Payments has recorded its busiest period ever, following an end of tax year rush to move money and pay bills. In just six hours, from midnight on Tuesday 2nd April, 9.1 million standing orders were processed by the Scheme. The...

ASHRAE Compliance : An RF Code Checklist

Sensors must be installed in the front of the rack, with one tag at the top, one in the center, and the third in the bottom of the rack. 23 july 2013 ASHRAE’s latest thermal guidelines present data center operators with the opportunity to significantly reduce their power and cooling expenses.  By carefully monitoring the...

The DCIM Necessity : When Big Data Becomes Massive Data

DCIM promises: capacity planning, energy efficiency, airflow optimization, asset management, and thermal mapping. It offers to control and automate your data ecosystem, granting you governance and operational efficiency. 23rd july 2013 Data isn’t just big; it’s massive.  With each passing minute, a staggering 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube.  Google receives over 2,000,000...

Eye in the Sky: Earth Observation in Aid of Development

Space technology is providing vital information that helps address development challenges in Asia and the Pacific. Data gathered from the vantage point of space provide critical information to help understand how the Earth works, how its regions undergo complex changes, and what policy-makers can do to mitigate them. Earth observation satellites have been used for...

Don’t get Caught out like Corrie’s Gail! Online banking security advice

One in three admit falling into the same trap as Gail by sharing login details. Coronation Street conman Lewis Archer’s £40,000 internet banking scam could have been foiled if Gail McIntyre had been more security savvy, according to, the Payments Council’s consumer education campaign. In a storyline broadcast on Wednesday 30 January and Friday 1 February, conman Lewis...

How Does the Stock Market Work?

New investors think the stock market as a short term investment vehicle where you can reap huge profit or heavy losses; however, this is not true. 22nd July 2013 For a new investor the stock market is baffling, which probably helps to explain why so many people lose money when they invest. In this article,...

Here Comes the Sun in India’s Gujarat

The world’s largest solar power park in India’s Gujarat state is a blueprint for how risks associated with large-scale renewable energy projects can be managed with proper planning and coordination. With around 300 days of sunshine every year, India has some of the best conditions in the world for harnessing solar energy. Yet, despite the...

Efficiency: the Power of Energy Thrift

Demand-side energy efficiency is highly cost-effective and has the potential to be a main driver for enhancing energy security in Asia and the Pacific. Asia is on track to becoming the world’s largest energy-consuming region by 2025. This means that the region will increasingly be exposed to energy security and climate change risks unless measures...

New C-Level Challenge: Accommodating Big Data Growth

Big data growth increases data integration degree of difficulty. Posted by Richard Jenkins. Big Data is not just about the volume of data, but also the potential strain it puts on infrastructure. Monetizing Big Data requires a substantial level of computing power, all of which is found within an extremely sensitive ecosystem. The result of this...

How Does the NASDAQ Work?

Most of the companies traded in the NASDAQ are technology based mainly due to the dot net boom which happened in the 1990’s. 16th July 2013 The term NASDAQ is an American stock exchange and an acronym for National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotations. It is generally an exchange system that trades and prices...