International Finance

Tag : Union


EU and Canada sign historic free trade agreement

CETA was almost derailed by objections from the Wallonia region in Belgium November 4, 2016: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau flew to Brussels on the weekend to attend an EU-Canada Summit which had been delayed for three days because of opposition in Belgium to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). Belgium came back to...

Canadian economy at stake over landmark trade deal with EU

Canada and the EU remain hopeful that CETA, the EU’s most ambitious free trade deal, can still go through IFM Correspondent October 25, 2016: The Canadian economy has been facing a serious slump due to a number of reasons. To add to its woes, negotiations over a key trade deal – the Comprehensive Economic and...

Defending the UK’s financial trading sector

The government’s intent ‘is for the UK to remain the top choice for European and global bank headquarters’ Nigel Davies October 17, 2016: Over the past decade, the nature of the threats to society has evolved beyond the physical world in which they traditionally operated. State-sponsored cybercrime and organised criminal hacking has become a threat...

Flying through the eye of a storm

Expect UK to enter technical recession between second half of 2016 and first half of 2017 Jaspreet Sehmi August 2, 2016: In its first set of projections published since the UK voted to leave the EU, the IMF has downgraded its forecasts for global, eurozone and UK growth. In addition, the Fund says that the...
FinanceWealth Management

Aristo can pave the path for EU citizenship

All you need to do is a direct property investment in Cyprus August 1, 2016: Cyprus boasts some of the world’s finest properties, set against a backdrop of astonishing beauty. It is a place where relaxation comes naturally. One can explore the great history, the excitement of towns and villages, and a range of natural...

UBS may shift its base outside the UK

Banks worry about losing passporting rights IFM Correspondent July 14, 2016: With uncertainty looming large post-Brexit, some banks may shift their headquarters and offices outside London. Andrea Orcel, president of UBS Investment bank, has warned that it is considering moving its staff to a European country, following the UK’s vote to leave the EU. UBS,...

Brexit: Visa to visit or passport to stay?

Lewis Crofts EU ‘equivalence’ offers UK banks a narrow back door to Brexit June 21, 2016: British politicians urging voters to keep the UK in the European Union warn that exiting would endanger London’s financial centre by stripping firms of their ‘passport’ to do business across the bloc. Leave campaigners counter that the country’s almost...

‘Political agenda is influencing financial markets’

Pioneer Investment’s Head of Global Asset Allocation Research Monica Defend on the economic outlook post Brexit What are, in your view, the implications of Brexit on the global economy? We believe that the Brexit outcome is a global shock, with implications for the global and regional economic outlook that will be channelled mainly through four...