International Finance

Category : Economy

A Billion-dollar Opportunity for Developing Countries

BY OTAVIANO CANUTO. 19th November 2013 The decision last week by the Swiss government to sign the OECD’s somewhat lengthily named Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters is the latest of a series of developments that have radically increased the amount and quality of tax information available to governments. For developing countries, being...

French Economy Contracts as Exports Fall

A report released by OECD warned that the growth of the country is falling behind southern European countries that have cut labour costs to induce growth. 15th November 2013 The French economy contracted by 0.1 percent, negating the prospects of revival from robust growth in the previous three months. It had been expected to post...

Seven KPI’s For Purchase-To-Pay Process Success

A review of case studies found that early pay discounts could amount to approximately U.S. $2.2 million per U.S. $1B spend. 14th November 2013 Companies are experiencing increased pressure across their international supply networks. They’re often involved in complex customer and supplier relationships and must be able to handle the complex transactions that take place. ...

How Mats Helped A Building Society Create Award-Winning Customer Experience

Peter Dockerill, Lending and Savings Manager at The Cambridge Building Society. 11th November 2013 Customer experience has never been more important. For financial services firms facing intense market competition, regulatory scrutiny and a public with the means of sharing opinions widely on social and digital media, there’s a narrow divide between making and breaking a...

More pension managers taking advantage of changes to market conditions as they arise

Written by Gary Howes. 28th October 2013 Significant improvement in funding levels may well have triggered some changes to asset allocation to lock in some of the positive performance. Mercer’s Pensions Risk Survey data shows that the accounting deficit of defined benefit pension schemes for UK companies remained unchanged over the month of September. According...

Dollar is world’s default currency

Written by Richard Northedge. 28th October 2013 While the US teetered on default, the dollar held steady. Perversely, even while America’s economy and political system showed their weaknesses, its currency remained strong. The truth is that the world has nowhere else to go and already has so much invested in the US that it cannot...

Warnings on risks of closed pension and insurance schemes

Written by Gary Howes. 28th October 2013 Life & pension providers with legacy portfolios are in danger of overlooking the risks posed by their closed books, which frequently need attention at a level that is disproportionate to their value. The warning comes from Equiniti, one of the leading administrators of closed books in the UK....

CIMA + CIPD = Driving financial performance through people

Professional bodies join forces to transform how organisations measure value and risk.Written by Roberta Murray. 28th October 2013 The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) have announced a major new strategic collaboration to foster closer working links between the finance and HR professions, helping to increase...

EU Signs Historic Trade Deal With Canada

The deal will make Canada the only G8 country to have preferential access to the world’s two largest markets, the EU and the United States. 24th October 2013 The European Union and Canada agreed on a multibillion – trade pact on Friday that will integrate two of the world’s largest economies and paves the way...