Names Thomas von Hohenhau as its country manager July 19, 2016: Deposit Solutions, the first open architecture platform for retail deposits in Europe, has started Deposit Solutions CH GmbH. It has named Thomas von Hohenhau as its country manager, Switzerland. The Swiss branch marks the next cornerstone in the transformation of the EUR 9 trillion...
Heralding a new era in investment advisory Mustapha Mensah & Gloria Ofosu-Kusi McOttley Capital Limited, the investment wing of McOttley Group of Companies, over the past several years has carved a distinctive niche for itself in the investment industry due to the impeccable service it offers its clients. Both corporate and individual clients throughout Ghana...
abare Vazquez of the leftish Broad Front and Lacalle Pou from the conservative National Party won the first round Kamilia Lahrichi Oct 27,2014: The two contenders who won Uruguay’s first round of the presidential election on October 26 will not bring about any radical economic change for this small country wedged between two regional heavyweights –...
BY OTAVIANO CANUTO. 19th November 2013 The decision last week by the Swiss government to sign the OECD’s somewhat lengthily named Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters is the latest of a series of developments that have radically increased the amount and quality of tax information available to governments. For developing countries, being...
The key players in the Swiss financial centre are the banks, and their core business is wealth management. 27th August 2013 When you mention Switzerland, most people think of mountains and cheese with banks coming a close third. The country has a highly successful market economy based on banking and international trade, its standards of...
SWITZERLAND aims to save its banks from heavier punishment in the United States for helping wealthy tax cheats by sidestepping its own famed secrecy laws to let bankers disclose data to US prosecutors. Dealing a huge blow to Switzerland’s historic banking secrecy, Swiss finance officials on Wednesday approved a plan that would allow the country’s...
UBS Wealth Management delivered the highest levels of quarterly net new money since 2007, and the highest quarterly profit since 2009. The United Bank of Switzerland has posted a better than expected performance for the first quarter of the year on April 30th. The bank has posted a profit of 7.8 billion CHF, ($ 8.3...