International Finance

Tag : job


Hiring on the decline in UAE

Highest decline is in the hospitality and oil & gas industry Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya November 7, 2016: The number of job opportunities in the UAE is on the decline. The latest Monster Employment Index (MEI), a monthly gauge of vacancies posted by employers and websites in the Middle East, shows that job opportunities dropped by...

ING to shed 7,000 jobs

Jobs cuts to mainly take place in Belgium and The Netherlands IFM Correspondent October 4, 2016: Dutch bank ING, the country’s biggest lender, announced plans to shed 7,000 jobs, mainly in Belgium and The Netherlands. The plan is part of cost cutting measure for the company, which will help it save $1.01 billion by 2021....
FinanceWealth Management

Your financial past can hurt your job prospects

A good credit score is particularly important for C-level hires or those applying for a job in the finance department Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya August 18, 2015: Did you ever have had a bad credit or a bankruptcy? Does it happen often that despite repeated reminders by credit card companies, you end up paying your bills...
Business Leaders

Web posts can make or break your career

Recruiters are increasingly gauging the suitability of candidates by looking up their posts on social media Suparna Goswami Bhattacharya May 7, 2015: That LinkedIn and Facebook are used by companies to hunt for the right candidate is well known. But now more and more firms are going beyond and using other social media platforms, like...